Just glue on the old Ibex shoe from the 1990's that I had left over (10-15 yrs ago) on this OTTB laid up [stall rest] for 60 days after an injury on the other leg of a small Basal [sp?] fracture. this hoof took a lot of pressure from the horse standing on it in the stall. they are the plastic glue on shoes with tabs. I had this left over for this horse. I have few left in larger sizes.
no...not needed......I will if the owner wants it they will let me know; but he is doing well; he's still in lite turn out and maybe a lite ride in the ring once a week.
Rick, I would think that a soft pour in Equithain would really prevent problems with a shoe that thick on a foot carrying additional weight. The support would also allow the hoof to grow a bit faster, enabling the voids in the wall to be removed. It can be hard with these type of injuries that require 60 days stall rest with light riding once a week.
thanks, this was an old fashioned way of glue on's of today; but for those unfamiliar with IBEX, this was a great teach. What I like about these shoes [which are out-dated] is that you can cut the tabs off where you need to; like on this horse's foot - toe/side area]; it only has 2 tabs on both sides and Superfast glue what used; since he could stand on the fractured leg for too long [even though it's healed up]
he's done the stall rest of 60 days; but he's in all the time with just 1 hr T/O and lite walking riding in the ring for 20 mins. per week.