enough of the bull , lets get back to race plating , how many of you feel restricted when it comes to plating by the lack of available plates on the market .it was not many years ago when i had a selection of different sections to use on lets say a 4 3/4 inch foot , now regardless there is just the one , i feel although the weight is acceptable the section can be too bulky on some horses and not wide enough on larger feet
Chris I used to love plating, best pound per hour there was!! I got rid of my last race yard last month. I was fed up with bank rolling them, in this current economic state they would leave them on to long and destroy the feet!! then phone on the Thursday wanting it fixed before the weekend. The crowning glory was there was a brute of a horse which needed doping, used to get sedalin but that was all, I used to get kicked by it every time I shod it, so I resigned.
this is better its just that we found a few boxes of pledgers last week and there 5/8 x5/16 plates went on better a couple of youngsters on victory 5s , the disadvantage been there is no insert and they will not last as long , the trainer will not train in steels , times change and the yard is an excellent payer .David i know all about being kicked , thats why i am back in the uk minus a family , dont shoe bad horses and i would never use sedalin
George i would only use 1/2x 1/4 on yearlings with very smal feet 4" or smaller i find 5/8 works better for me as 1/2" isa bit stringy
you can get away with murder over here it has got a bit tuffer over here in the last few years 1/4" caulk
John , nicest 1 5/8 nail I ever found was made by Cooper in England,I'm told for the NZ market, e head, it was rolled as opposed to swedged/forged, did any of you ever use them? I have some boxes left and will take a pic. Regards Ray Steele
I may be wrong but I have a feeling that Coopers nails were made by a couple of old boys and machines that only they knew how to work, Mustad bought them out and shut it down. There was another company called Lathem, I liked them to.
You can use caulks for jumps racing in NZ (although I've never seen any done here), otherwise pretty much the same as your turf rules.